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In my haste to get cosplay and panel-planning done, I almost forgot about the tea party that’s happening at Animazement! Whilst figuring out what to wear, I discovered there were quite a few different coordinates for the same dress that I was thinking of. So! I’ve decided to ask my beloved readers and friends to choose for me! Pick your favorite of the three outfits, and if there’s anything you would like please tell me! I might not end up changing whatever it is, but I love input. I also included a little bit of my thoughts on each outfit, and pros and cons.

Outfit 1: Hime Lovely

Kind of different, right? I made the underskirt a while ago, and I wanted to try it out with this outfit.
Comfortable! No blouse = cool.
Tiara! I love it.
Kind of different, not your average loli coord.
Not super keen on the underskirt with it, looks not quite fancy enough.
Not the most comfortable shoes :C
Any stocking suggestions? I tried it with white, but it just looked weird.

Outfit 2: Cutie Pie

A pretty cute, simple outfit! It’s also fancy enough for me to feel like wearing it for an everyday outfit would be a little much.
Something similar to what I wear everyday, so pretty comfy.
Comfy shoes and socks!
It brings out both the pink and white in the print.
Blouse will probably get hot.
Kind of average? Not as much excitement.
The pearls hit my glasses :C

Outfit 3: Ahoy there!

A nautical coord! I altered this jacket a while ago, and haven’t gotten much use out of it, so I thought I’d try it out!
I like the nautical look, it’s not something I do often!
The jacket is comfy, and removable in case of heat issues.
Purse! I love my pirate chest purse.
These socks need a garter belt to stay up, which isn’t super comfy :C
I’m not super keen on the hat, I’d consider putting together a little sailor hat instead, or sewing a new pirate hat.
There’s nothing actually nautical about the print haha.

SO! Leave me a comment telling me whichever outfit you think is best, and if you would change anything about it! I’m pretty excited about this, and I’ll also be counting some votes from facebook/lj/friends, so if the comments don’t reflect the winner, that’s why! I’ll announce the winners on Monday, May 24th, which is a week from today, so get your votes in by then!