Lolita Fashion

There’s about a million places that can summarize exactly what lolita fashion is and what it means to the people who wear it better than I, so here’s a quick link list if you’re curious or just getting started.

The Lolita Handbook is an excellent source for those just starting out. It’s got plenty of helpful tips and tricks, as well as a great overview of all the styles.
The EGL Livejournal Community is the quintessential lolita community on the internet. Looking through the memories will pretty much tell you anything you wanted to know. Be sure to read the rules and check the memories before making a post, though!
Lolita Fashion.Org is also an excellent resource, with another great overview on styles and plenty of links.
Avant Gauche has an excellent gallery and a very thorough link list.

If there’s any questions in particular you’d like to ask me about me or my posts, don’t hesitate to comment! I’m always happy to help.

2 thoughts on “Lolita Fashion”

  1. Hi! I saw that your really good at making collars and doing other sewing things so I’d like your advice on a jsk I have. It was a bit of a ribbons monster, dragging on the ground and always getting untied, and not a major brand so I made some adjustments that turned out really well. I can’t figure out what to do about the front though. It’s got these buckles for ribbon to pass through that are really cute and pretty well sewn in there, but the ribbon itself is too shiny, slippery and low quality to really match the look or go through the wash well. Any recommendations on how to make it look nice? New ribbon, lace, bows, anything would help. I love your style and really want to your input on this, if that’s even in your purview.

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